About Ocean Subgraph
Ocean subgraph allows querying the datatoken, data NFT, and all event information using GraphQL. Hosting the Ocean subgraph saves the cost and time required in querying the data directly from the blockchain. The steps in this tutorial will explain how to host Ocean subgraph for the EVM-compatible chains supported by Ocean Protocol.
Ocean Subgraph is deployed on top of graph-node , therefore, in this document, we will show first how to deploy graph-node - either using Docker Engine or Kubernetes - and then how to install Ocean Subgraph on the graph-node system.
Deploying Graph-node using Docker Engine and Docker Compose
A server for hosting Graph-node. See this guide for how to create a server;
Docker Compose and Docker Engine are installed and configured on the server. See this guide for how to install these products.
The RPC URLs and API keys for each of the networks to which Ocean Subgraph will be connected. See this guide for how to obtain the URL and the API key.
1. Create the /etc/docker/compose/graph-node/docker-compose.yml file
From a terminal console, create the /etc/docker/compose/graph-node/docker-compose.yml file, then copy and paste the following content to it (. Check the comments in the file and replace the fields with the specific values of your implementation.
/etc/docker/compose/graph-node/docker-compose.yml (annotated - example for sepolia
Copy version : '3'
services :
graph-node :
image : graphprotocol/graph-node:v0.28.2
container_name : graph-node
restart : on-failure
ports :
- '8000:8000'
- '8020:8020'
- '8030:8030'
- '8040:8040'
depends_on :
- ipfs
- postgres-graph
environment :
postgres_host : postgres-graph
postgres_user : graph-node
postgres_pass : < password >
postgres_db : sepolia
ipfs : 'ipfs:5001'
ethereum : 'sepolia:https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/<API-KEY>'
GRAPH_LOG : info
ipfs :
image : ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.4.23
container_name : ipfs
restart : on-failure
ports :
- '5001:5001'
volumes :
- ipfs-graph-node:/data/ipfs
postgres-graph :
image : postgres:15.3
container_name : postgres
restart : on-failure
ports :
- '5432:5432'
command : [ "postgres" , "-cshared_preload_libraries=pg_stat_statements" ]
environment :
POSTGRES_USER : graph-node
POSTGRES_PASSWORD : < password >
POSTGRES_DB : sepolia
volumes :
- pgdata-graph-node:/var/lib/postgresql/data
volumes :
pgdata-graph-node :
driver : local
ipfs-graph-node :
driver : local
Create the /etc/systemd/system/[email protected] file then copy and paste the following content to it. This example file could be customized if needed.
Copy [Unit]
Description=%i service with docker compose
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT pull
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT up -d
ExecStop=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT stop
ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT down
3. Reload the systemd manager configuration
Run the following command to reload the systemd manager configuration
Copy sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Optionally, you can enable the services to start at boot, using the following command:
Copy sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
4. Start graph-node service
To start the Ocean Subgraph service, run the following command:
Copy sudo systemctl start [email protected]
5. Check the service's status
Check the status of the service by running the following command. The output of the command should be similar to the one presented here.
Copy $ sudo systemctl status [email protected]
● [email protected] - graph-node service with docker compose
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected] ; disabled ; vendor preset: enabled )
Active: active (exited) since Sun 2023-06-25 17:05:25 UTC; 6s ago
Process: 4878 ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT pull (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS )
Process: 4887 ExecStart=/usr/bin/env docker-compose -p $PROJECT up -d (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS )
Main PID: 4887 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS )
CPU: 123ms
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container ipfs Created
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container graph-node Creating
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container graph-node Created
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container ipfs Starting
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container postgres Starting
Jun 25 17:05:24 testvm env[4887]: Container ipfs Started
Jun 25 17:05:25 testvm env[4887]: Container postgres Started
Jun 25 17:05:25 testvm env[4887]: Container graph-node Starting
Jun 25 17:05:25 testvm env[4887]: Container graph-node Started
Jun 25 17:05:25 testvm systemd[1]: Finished graph-node service with docker compose.
6. Check graph-node service logs
If needed, use docker CLI to check Ocean Subgraph service logs.
First, check the container status
Copy $ docker ps --format "table {{.Image}}\t{{.Ports}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Status}}"
graphprotocol/graph-node:v0.28.2 - > 8000/tcp, :::8000 - > 8000/tcp, - > 8020/tcp, :::8020 - > 8020/tcp, - > 8030/tcp, :::8030 - > 8030/tcp, - > 8040/tcp, :::8040 - > 8040/tcp, 8001/tcp graph-node Up 55 minutes
ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.4.23 4001/tcp, 8080-8081/tcp, - > 5001/tcp, :::5001 - > 5001/tcp ipfs Up 55 minutes
postgres:15.3 - > 5432/tcp, :::5432 - > 5432/tcp postgres Up 55 minutes
Then, check the logs of the Ocean Subgraph docker container:
Copy docker logs graph-node [--follow]
Deploying graph-node using Kubernetes
In this example, we will deploy graph-node as a Kubernetes deployment service. graph-node has the following dependencies: PostgreSQL and IPFS.
A server for hosting graph-node. See this guide for how to create a server;
Kubernetes with Docker Engine is installed and configured on the server. See this chapter for information on installing Kubernetes.
The RPC URLs and API keys for each of the networks to which the Provider will be connected. See this guide for how to obtain the URL and the API key.
1. Deploy PostgreSQL
It is recommended to deploy PostgreSQL as helm chart.
References: https://github.com/bitnami/charts/tree/main/bitnami/postgresql/#installing-the-chart
Once PostgreSQL pods are running, a database must be created: eg. sepolia.
2. Deploy IPFS
The following template can be customized to deploy IPFS statefulset and service.
Copy apiVersion : apps/v1
kind : StatefulSet
metadata :
labels :
app : ipfs
name : ipfs
spec :
podManagementPolicy : OrderedReady
replicas : 1
revisionHistoryLimit : 10
selector :
matchLabels :
app : ipfs
serviceName : ipfs
template :
metadata :
creationTimestamp : null
labels :
app : ipfs
spec :
containers :
- image : ipfs/go-ipfs:v0.4.22
imagePullPolicy : IfNotPresent
livenessProbe :
failureThreshold : 3
httpGet :
path : /debug/metrics/prometheus
port : api
scheme : HTTP
initialDelaySeconds : 15
periodSeconds : 3
successThreshold : 1
timeoutSeconds : 1
name : s1-ipfs
ports :
- containerPort : 5001
name : api
protocol : TCP
- containerPort : 8080
name : gateway
protocol : TCP
readinessProbe :
failureThreshold : 3
httpGet :
path : /debug/metrics/prometheus
port : api
scheme : HTTP
initialDelaySeconds : 15
periodSeconds : 3
successThreshold : 1
timeoutSeconds : 1
terminationMessagePath : /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy : File
volumeMounts :
- mountPath : /data/ipfs
name : ipfs-storage
dnsPolicy : ClusterFirst
restartPolicy : Always
schedulerName : default-scheduler
securityContext :
fsGroup : 1000
runAsUser : 1000
terminationGracePeriodSeconds : 30
updateStrategy :
rollingUpdate :
partition : 0
type : RollingUpdate
volumeClaimTemplates :
- apiVersion : v1
kind : PersistentVolumeClaim
metadata :
creationTimestamp : null
name : ipfs-storage
spec :
accessModes :
- ReadWriteOnce
resources :
requests :
storage : 1G
volumeMode : Filesystem
status :
phase : Pending
apiVersion : v1
kind : Service
metadata :
labels :
app : ipfs
name : ipfs
spec :
clusterIP :
clusterIPs :
ipFamilies :
- IPv4
ipFamilyPolicy : SingleStack
ports :
- name : api
port : 5001
- name : gateway
port : 8080
selector :
app : ipf
Deploy Graph-node
The following annotated templated can be customized to deploy graph-node deployment and service:
Copy apiVersion : apps/v1
kind : Deployment
metadata :
annotations :
labels :
app : sepolia-graph-node
name : sepolia-graph-node
spec :
progressDeadlineSeconds : 600
replicas : 1
revisionHistoryLimit : 10
selector :
matchLabels :
app : sepolia-graph-node
strategy :
rollingUpdate :
maxSurge : 25%
maxUnavailable : 25%
type : RollingUpdate
template :
metadata :
creationTimestamp : null
labels :
app : sepolia-graph-node
spec :
containers :
- env :
- name : ipfs
value : ipfs.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:5001
- name : postgres_host
value : postgresql.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local
- name : postgres_user
value : < postgresql user >
- name : postgres_pass
value : < postgresql database password >
- name : postgres_db
value : < postgresql database >
- name : ethereum
value : sepolia:https://sepolia.infura.io/v3/< INFURA ID>
value : "true"
image : graphprotocol/graph-node:v0.28.2
imagePullPolicy : IfNotPresent
livenessProbe :
failureThreshold : 3
httpGet :
path : /
port : 8000
scheme : HTTP
initialDelaySeconds : 20
periodSeconds : 10
successThreshold : 1
timeoutSeconds : 1
name : sepolia-graph-node
ports :
- containerPort : 8000
name : graphql
protocol : TCP
- containerPort : 8020
name : jsonrpc
protocol : TCP
- containerPort : 8030
name : indexnode
protocol : TCP
- containerPort : 8040
name : metrics
protocol : TCP
readinessProbe :
failureThreshold : 3
httpGet :
path : /
port : 8000
scheme : HTTP
initialDelaySeconds : 20
periodSeconds : 10
successThreshold : 1
timeoutSeconds : 1
resources :
limits :
cpu : "2"
memory : 1536Mi
requests :
cpu : 1500m
memory : 1536Mi
terminationMessagePath : /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy : File
dnsPolicy : ClusterFirst
restartPolicy : Always
schedulerName : default-scheduler
terminationGracePeriodSeconds : 30
apiVersion : v1
kind : Service
metadata :
labels :
app : sepolia-graph-node
name : sepolia-graph-node
spec :
clusterIP :
clusterIPs :
internalTrafficPolicy : Cluster
ipFamilies :
- IPv4
ipFamilyPolicy : SingleStack
ports :
- name : graphql
port : 8000
- name : jsonrpc
port : 8020
- name : indexnode
port : 8030
- name : metrics
port : 8040
selector :
app : sepolia-graph-nodeyam
Deploy Ocean Subgraph
After you deployed graph-node, either using Kubernetes or Docker Compose, you can proceed to deploy Ocean Subgraph on top of it.
graph-node up-and-running
1. Install Node.js locally
To install Node.js locally, please refer to this link for instructions.
2. Download and extract Ocean-subgraph
Download and extract Ocean-subgraph (check here the available releases).
3. Install dependencies
From the directory where Ocean subgraph was extracted, run the following command:
4. Deploy Ocean Subgraph
In the following example, we are deploying on Ocean Subgraph on graph-node running for sepolia
Note: for ocean-subgraph
deployment in the Kubernetes environment, both graph-node
and ipfs
services must be locally forwarded using kubectl port-forward
Run the following command:
Copy $ npm run quickstart:sepolia
> [email protected] quickstart:sepolia
> node ./scripts/generatenetworkssubgraphs.js sepolia && npm run codegen && npm run create:local && npm run deploy:local
Creating subgraph.yaml for sepolia
Adding veOCEAN
Skipping polygon
Skipping bsc
Skipping energyweb
Skipping moonriver
Skipping mainnet
Skipping polygonedge
Skipping gaiaxtestnet
Skipping alfajores
Skipping gen-x-testnet
Skipping filecointestnet
> [email protected] codegen
> graph codegen --output-dir src/@types
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6
Skip migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
Apply migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.4
✔ Apply migrations
✔ Load subgraph from subgraph.yaml
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json
Load contract ABI from abis/ERC20.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json
Load contract ABI from abis/ERC20.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veAllocate.sol/veAllocate.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veOCEAN.vy/veOCEAN.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veDelegation.vy/veDelegation.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veFeeDistributor.vy/veFeeDistributor.json
Load contract ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/df/DFRewards.sol/DFRewards.json
✔ Load contract ABIs
Generate types for contract ABI: ERC721Factory (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json)
Write types to src/@types/ERC721Factory/ERC721Factory.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/ERC721Factory/ERC20.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: FactoryRouter (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json)
Write types to src/@types/FactoryRouter/FactoryRouter.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/FactoryRouter/ERC20.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: veAllocate (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veAllocate.sol/veAllocate.json)
Write types to src/@types/veAllocate/veAllocate.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: veOCEAN (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veOCEAN.vy/veOCEAN.json)
Write types to src/@types/veOCEAN/veOCEAN.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: veDelegation (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veDelegation.vy/veDelegation.json)
Write types to src/@types/veDelegation/veDelegation.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: veFeeDistributor (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veFeeDistributor.vy/veFeeDistributor.json)
Write types to src/@types/veFeeDistributor/veFeeDistributor.ts
Generate types for contract ABI: DFRewards (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/df/DFRewards.sol/DFRewards.json)
Write types to src/@types/DFRewards/DFRewards.ts
✔ Generate types for contract ABIs
Generate types for data source template ERC20Template
Generate types for data source template ERC721Template
Generate types for data source template Dispenser
Generate types for data source template FixedRateExchange
Write types for templates to src/@types/templates.ts
✔ Generate types for data source templates
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json
Load data source template ABI from abis/ERC20.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json
Load data source template ABI from abis/ERC20.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json
Load data source template ABI from abis/ERC20.json
Load data source template ABI from node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json
Load data source template ABI from abis/ERC20.json
✔ Load data source template ABIs
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC20Template > ERC20Template (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20Template.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC20Template > ERC20TemplateEnterprise (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC20Template > ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC20Template > ERC20Roles (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20Roles.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC721Template > ERC721Template (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC721Template/ERC721Template.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC721Template > ERC721RolesAddress (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC721Template/ERC721RolesAddress.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: ERC721Template > ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/ERC721Template/ERC20.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: Dispenser > Dispenser (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/Dispenser/Dispenser.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: Dispenser > ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/Dispenser/ERC20.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: FixedRateExchange > FixedRateExchange (node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/FixedRateExchange/FixedRateExchange.ts
Generate types for data source template ABI: FixedRateExchange > ERC20 (abis/ERC20.json)
Write types to src/@types/templates/FixedRateExchange/ERC20.ts
✔ Generate types for data source template ABIs
✔ Load GraphQL schema from schema.graphql
Write types to src/@types/schema.ts
✔ Generate types for GraphQL schema
Types generated successfully
> [email protected] create:local
> graph create oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph --node
Created subgraph: oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph
> [email protected] deploy:local
> graph deploy oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph subgraph.yaml -l $npm_package_version --debug --ipfs --node
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.3 to 0.0.4
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.4 to 0.0.5
Skip migration: Bump mapping apiVersion from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6
Skip migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2
Skip migration: Bump manifest specVersion from 0.0.2 to 0.0.4
✔ Apply migrations
✔ Load subgraph from subgraph.yaml
Compile data source: ERC721Factory = > build/ERC721Factory/ERC721Factory.wasm
Compile data source: FactoryRouter = > build/FactoryRouter/FactoryRouter.wasm
Compile data source: veAllocate = > build/veAllocate/veAllocate.wasm
Compile data source: veOCEAN = > build/veOCEAN/veOCEAN.wasm
Compile data source: veDelegation = > build/veDelegation/veDelegation.wasm
Compile data source: veFeeDistributor = > build/veFeeDistributor/veFeeDistributor.wasm
Compile data source: DFRewards = > build/DFRewards/DFRewards.wasm
Compile data source template: ERC20Template = > build/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20Template.wasm
Compile data source template: ERC721Template = > build/templates/ERC721Template/ERC721Template.wasm
Compile data source template: Dispenser = > build/templates/Dispenser/Dispenser.wasm
Compile data source template: FixedRateExchange = > build/templates/FixedRateExchange/FixedRateExchange.wasm
✔ Compile subgraph
Copy schema file build/schema.graphql
Write subgraph file build/ERC721Factory/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC721Factory/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph file build/FactoryRouter/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json
Write subgraph file build/FactoryRouter/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph file build/veAllocate/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veAllocate.sol/veAllocate.json
Write subgraph file build/veOCEAN/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veOCEAN.vy/veOCEAN.json
Write subgraph file build/veDelegation/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veDelegation.vy/veDelegation.json
Write subgraph file build/veFeeDistributor/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veFeeDistributor.vy/veFeeDistributor.json
Write subgraph file build/DFRewards/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/df/DFRewards.sol/DFRewards.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC20Template/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC721Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC721Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json
Write subgraph file build/ERC721Template/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph file build/Dispenser/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json
Write subgraph file build/Dispenser/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph file build/FixedRateExchange/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json
Write subgraph file build/FixedRateExchange/abis/ERC20.json
Write subgraph manifest build/subgraph.yaml
✔ Write compiled subgraph to build/
Add file to IPFS build/schema.graphql
.. QmQa3a9ypCLC84prHGQdhbcGG4DHJceqADGxmZMmAAXuTz
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Factory/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ERC721Factory.sol/ERC721Factory.json
.. QmSoG3r5vyWXqjEfKAQYjwtQcQkZCsZEcJXVFWVq1tT1dD
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Factory/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2
Add file to IPFS build/FactoryRouter/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/FactoryRouter.sol/FactoryRouter.json
.. QmcBVA1R3yi2167UZMvV4LvG4cMHjL8ZZXmPMriCjn8DEe
Add file to IPFS build/FactoryRouter/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2 (already uploaded )
Add file to IPFS build/veAllocate/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veAllocate.sol/veAllocate.json
.. Qmc3iwQkQAhqe1PjzTt6KZLh9rsWQvyxkFt7doj2iXv8C3
Add file to IPFS build/veOCEAN/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veOCEAN.vy/veOCEAN.json
.. QmahFjirJqiwKpytFZ9CdE92LdPGBUDZs6AWpsrH2wn1VP
Add file to IPFS build/veDelegation/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veDelegation.vy/veDelegation.json
.. QmfU6kZ5sksLdj3q88n7SUP63C1cnhQjU8vuMmRYwf2v5r
Add file to IPFS build/veFeeDistributor/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/ve/veFeeDistributor.vy/veFeeDistributor.json
.. QmVU51oBr62D4UFXTwnMcbzuBBAAeQssqmqM9jic7A6L3v
Add file to IPFS build/DFRewards/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/df/DFRewards.sol/DFRewards.json
.. QmcckRMahzpL7foEFGpWfkDBsyoWbNRfLC32uFq8ceUV3a
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Factory/ERC721Factory.wasm
.. QmVfDAgZdKWxMuNfT7kso1LbFre2xhYbEeHBGm3gH3R9oE
Add file to IPFS build/FactoryRouter/FactoryRouter.wasm
.. QmYCC9AcaYw3nGSqNXNFHVsuB67FQEyZ8twRjRXrprcgyp
Add file to IPFS build/veAllocate/veAllocate.wasm
.. QmUFaYDxChi5nKEJLvHQZP1cRoqqP5k3fYSwk2JjuSceiJ
Add file to IPFS build/veOCEAN/veOCEAN.wasm
.. QmRYCyYKwHdSeM55vuvL1mdCooDkFQm6d2TQ7iK2N1qgur
Add file to IPFS build/veDelegation/veDelegation.wasm
.. QmaTjRLirzfidtQTYgzxqVVD9AX9e69TN1Y8fEsNQ9AEZq
Add file to IPFS build/veFeeDistributor/veFeeDistributor.wasm
.. QmZCEp4yxiDyuksEjSaceogJwLMto2UGfV1KxVuJTJLTqg
Add file to IPFS build/DFRewards/DFRewards.wasm
.. QmRSxe52B836bdfoJbuDY4tUCawzqgkHRNxe9ucU1JdYm5
Add file to IPFS build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20Template.sol/ERC20Template.json
.. QmPkhFvnBbqA3You7NsK5Zsyh8kkizXUHF9pcC5V6qDJQu
Add file to IPFS build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.sol/ERC20TemplateEnterprise.json
.. QmZnogwnfr4TeBPykvmCL2oaX63AKQP1F1uBAbbfnyPAzB
Add file to IPFS build/ERC20Template/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2 (already uploaded )
Add file to IPFS build/ERC20Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC20Roles.sol/ERC20Roles.json
.. QmTWTzg4jTx4GxGApVyxirNRTxB7QovS4bHGuWnnW8Ciz2
Add file to IPFS build/templates/ERC20Template/ERC20Template.wasm
.. QmUcxes5La7n9481Vf9AoQ2Mjt1CrbS7T6tDhpnfF77Uh5
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/templates/ERC721Template.sol/ERC721Template.json
.. QmPE82CiACicgu1WxEjeFrLmskiJADroQRnxH7owpK6jaP
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Template/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/utils/ERC721RolesAddress.sol/ERC721RolesAddress.json
.. Qmdhi7UK6Ww8vXH9YC3JxVUEFjTyx3XycF53rRZapVK5c3
Add file to IPFS build/ERC721Template/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2 (already uploaded )
Add file to IPFS build/templates/ERC721Template/ERC721Template.wasm
.. QmNhLws24szwpz8LM2sL6HHKc6KK4vtJwzfeZWkghuqn7Q
Add file to IPFS build/Dispenser/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/dispenser/Dispenser.sol/Dispenser.json
.. QmdiN7Fhw9sjoVVJgHtTtzxv5fwtFMHLNH1x1yqbswsThW
Add file to IPFS build/Dispenser/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2 (already uploaded )
Add file to IPFS build/templates/Dispenser/Dispenser.wasm
.. QmTpn9wagpmH6byjjdCBZdgypFgcw2mva3bC52nC4z3eLW
Add file to IPFS build/FixedRateExchange/node_modules/@oceanprotocol/contracts/artifacts/contracts/pools/fixedRate/FixedRateExchange.sol/FixedRateExchange.json
.. Qmd2ToAptK74j8pGxe8mZXfAvY3AxstgmYH8JDMAfLtAGd
Add file to IPFS build/FixedRateExchange/abis/ERC20.json
.. QmXuTbDkNrN27VydxbS2huvKRk62PMgUTdPDWkxcr2w7j2 (already uploaded )
Add file to IPFS build/templates/FixedRateExchange/FixedRateExchange.wasm
.. QmRrwwoFF33LvPhnGCGgLBLyuLizrFgD44kW9io81tPZzX
✔ Upload subgraph to IPFS
Build completed: QmVUKpgwuyDh9KgUxTzZvVNFJbdevc56YrZpZjQvu8Yp7q
Deployed to
Subgraph endpoints:
Queries (HTTP):
Ocean Subgraph is deployed under /subgraphs/name/oceanprotocol/ocean-subgraph/. To access it from the server on which it was deployed, open a browser and go to .
Last updated 7 months ago