Copy // Note: Make sure .env file and config.js are created and setup correctly
const { oceanConfig } = require ( './config.js' );
const { amountToUnits } = require ( '@oceanprotocol/lib' );
const ethers = require ( 'ethers' );
// Define a function createFRE()
const createMINT = async () => {
let config = await oceanConfig ();
const publisher = config .publisherAccount
const publisherAccount = await config . publisherAccount .getAddress ()
const minAbi = [
constant : false ,
inputs : [
{ name : 'to' , type : 'address' } ,
{ name : 'value' , type : 'uint256' }
] ,
name : 'mint' ,
outputs : [{ name : '' , type : 'bool' }] ,
payable : false ,
stateMutability : 'nonpayable' ,
type : 'function'
const tokenContract = new ethers .Contract ( config .oceanTokenAddress , minAbi , publisher)
const estGasPublisher = await tokenContract . estimateGas .mint (
publisherAccount ,
amountToUnits ( null , null , '1000' , 18 )
const trxReceipt = await sendTx (
estGasPublisher ,
publisher ,
1 ,
tokenContract .mint ,
publisherAccount ,
amountToUnits ( null , null , '1000' , 18 )
return {
// Call the createFRE() function
createMINT ()
.then (({ trxReceipt }) => {
console .log ( `TX Receipt ${ trxReceipt } ` );
process .exit ( 1 );
.catch ((err) => {
console .error (err);
process .exit ( 1 );